Thursday 24 March 2016

HA3 Task 3

Here are the 3 final contact sheets i have chosen for my work. I chose these 3 because i thought they they were the best to look at from my work from all of the others i created. In the second one there are a few mistakes with the subject not being in focus or not focusing on one part of it. But that's when i realized i made the mistakes and i fixed them in the 3rd one i created i made sure each shot was in focus and that they all have the same amount of light hitting the subject in each image when i took them. There was also one more problem with the 3rd contact sheet. The problem is that they are all still images of the dogs faces this doesn't really show any full detail of the subject for example i could of got shots of their claws, back, legs anything what really shows of more detail and will help the consumer get a better image of what the animal is and also what purpose it shows.

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